Government Performance Report Card

Voters require info on how the government performed.
Before an election, voters have a right to know:
How has the government performed?
Voters require a Performance report, otherwise, we may rehire incompetent or unethical people.

What is a Performance Report Card?
It is a brief and factual examination of government behaviour since they have been in office.
If the government is incompetent, people need to know this information before voting.
Voters have a responsibility to hire quality people to manage the economy and nation.
When should the report card be published?
When an Election is called, an Election Report Card should be published at the beginning and 2 weeks before the end of the election.
Did the government fulfil their promises?
If they did not, then they lied to get hired.
Why should Voters believe them now?
A promise is part of a package to get them hired; they profited from the lie.
Should this be considered a crime?
How did they spend Voter's money?
Who received the money and how much?
Did friends of the politicians receive any money?
Did they overspend?
Was the money spent wisely?
What contracts were signed, and how lucrative were they?
Did friends of the politicians receive the contracts?
Did the contracts give away Canadian Real Estate or businesses?
Should the Voters be informed of contract negotiations?
Were there any Ethics violations by the politicians?
Did any politicians profit by giving away contracts?
Did any politicians lie?
Did any politicians hire members of their families?
Are our programs and departments performing correctly?
What are the salaries (this can be ballpark and not specific)
Are there "performance bonuses" and based on what?

Voters expect the best and deserve the best.

To be adequately informed of all government actions and behaviour.
Respect for the Voters. They have paid for the government to look after the country.
They deserve to see the Report Card published several times throughout an election.
That highly skilled and ethical people manage the government.

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